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  • Writer's picturePrakash Agarwal

5 Problems That Can Be Cured With The Help Of Bariatric Surgery

Obesity is not just a single problem. There are so many different problems that come along with obesity. Obesity might not be the sole reason for these problems, but it certainly is a major one. So, like any other complication, it is better if you cure it from the root. Similarly, many doctors advise that if you cure obesity, then its associated problem might get cured too. Bariatric surgery has now become the simplest way to cure obesity and other related problems. Let’s see how.

Control Type-2 Diabetes

Obesity can stop the production of insulin in our body. Even if a person had type 2 diabetes beforehand, obesity can certainly make it worse. The reverse can work too. If a person is suffering from both obesity and type 2 diabetes, then bariatric surgery can help control it on a long term basis. It can also reduce the chances of someone suffering from type-2 diabetes.

Cardiovascular Health Improves

Cardiovascular problems are the most threatening result of someone severe or morbidly obese. If someone is obese, the body needs to pump blood into the heart four times faster than normal. Too much blood increases the chances of heart problems. Heart disease, hypertension, stroke, etc. are all the outcome of obesity in most patients. Obesity surgery is a way to control and improve the cardiovascular health of a patient.

Overcome Depression

Depression is the most common issue associated with obesity. Most obese people do not like to socialize as they tend to have low self-esteem due to peer pressure. The result is that they spend most of their time alone and are occupied with negative thoughts. Once the bariatric surgery is performed, their depression automatically fades away.

Goodbye Sleep Apnea

Another problem associated with obesity is sleep apnea. As snoring and breathing disorder is put to rest after the weight loss surgery, patients are no longer required to seek extra medical attention or be dependent on a certain type of drugs to get some good sleep.

Overcome Joint Pain

Obesity has a huge effect on the bone structure of a body, and invariably the joints. The more the body weight, the more is the pressure on the joints. Too much pressure can lead to joint pain and eventually damage them. If you undergo Bariatric surgery, the pressure from the joints will be automatically removed, and the pain will reduce.

So, we can clearly see that bariatric surgery not only cures the problem of obesity but also limits its other associated problems too. So, if you are an obese person and suffering from any of these problems, bariatric surgery in Kolkata might be what just the doctor ordered.

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